Return to writing

I am returning to writing after a “health-issues” break of almost 18 months. The world has not changed very much but my views of the world probably have. I find that the glasses I look through have changed. Perhaps they give me new insights or perhaps they obscure my view.

Some new perceptions I have:

  1. I am not a Tik-Tok subscriber. Over 90% of what is on Tik-Tok is edited, manipulated, cherry picked, fabricated or just plain lies. Other than that, the memes are quite interesting.
  2. I still have not returned to Face Book. Pat on the back for myself.
  3. I stopped smoking – “cold turkey” – in December 2022. I have now not smoked for over 18 months. There are clear benefits that I feel. But, the accrued benefits do not seem to be in proportion to all the negatives that are advertised as “common wisdom”.
  4. At least 50% of the “me-too” cases – and most of those involving rich celebrities – are bogus. “Me-too” claims are never by rich victims against poor predators.
  5. Most “me-too” claims are predatory.
  6. There are only 2 genders even if classification may be unclear for some individuals.
  7. Biological females never claim to be male to compete in male sports.
  8. Philosophy is personal and always subjective.
  9. An appeal to the authority of a “great thinker” is always invalid as proof of any proposition.
  10. What actually happened in history changes nothing. The only thing that matters about history is the “story” perceived to be true in the present.
  11. The freak- shows of old have been replaced by the Eurovision Song Contest and other LGBT reality TV shows. Bearded ladies are quite the in-thing.
  12. Very few tattoos are attractive. Most are quite ugly.
  13. It is time for the 42nd amendment of the Indian constitution to be removed and for the constitution to revert to what it was. India needs to be a “sovereign democratic republic” rather than a “sovereign, socialist secular democratic republic” as introduced by Indira Gandhi in 1976 as the 42nd amendment to camouflage her draconian Emergency measures. ( I can live with secular though it is an imaginary thing, but the socialist provides the chains that bind India´s progress).
  14.  Self-identity is meaningless nonsense. Identity of any entity is as perceived by its surroundings. What you say you are is of no relevance to what you are. What you are is determined by how you behave.
  15. In the natural world, diversity is never for excellence but always as a hedge against an uncertain future. Seeking diversity in any field of endeavor is always directly opposed to competence and excellence in the existing conditions. 
  16. The Human Rights Industry is primarily for the benefit of the Human Rights Industry.
  17. In any society, Laws are unnecessary if human behaviour is always compliant with the behaviour desired by that society.
  18. Laws are needed by a society as coercion only because some members of that society do not wish to comply with some behaviour desired by other members of that society. 
  19. Cultural appropriation is always a compliment to that culture. The objections to such “appropriation” are generally imbecilic.
  20. My “rule of thumb” for when Indian culture has appropriated GB is when more than half the pubs serve samosas as well as chicken tikka masala.

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